POS Advertising goes by several different names. You may hear it called “Point-of-Sale” or simply “POS” and it’s also sometimes referred to as “Point of Purchase” or “POP”, for short. it’s a specialized promotion designed to encourage purchases right at or near the register and today’s POS ads are changing all the time. Have you ever purchased a pack of gum because of a tantalizing photo display while in line at the grocery store? Then you’ve experienced the effectiveness of POS advertising. Exact statistics surrounding POS advertising are difficult to quantify because so many unspoken factors go into a decision to purchase. Even still, it’s a widely held opinion in the branding sphere that POPadvertising can greatly impact purchases, in some cases increasing them up to 75%! So the top of advertising agencies understand this distinction and we pride ourselves on using P.O.S.M in the best way for the best result.